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SME Rating and Accreditation

SME Rating and Accreditation

Qatar Development Bank’s SME Rating and Accreditation program provides guidance to enterprises on how to improve and develop their businesses. It is an independent, third-party validation and accreditation service that provides Qatari SMEs with subsidized, professional consultancy services.​ ​The purpose of the program is to:

  • Foster business partnerships between local SMEs and local buyer contractors
  • Institute a robust model for the SME Rating and Accreditation system to enhance access to finance for SMEs and strengthen business credentials for registration and pre-qualification with large buyers
  • Deploy a credible framework to assess and evaluate SMEs intending to execute government, semi-government and private entity contracts
  • Assist local SMEs in developing and enhancing their existing business to achieve sustainability and competitiveness to improve their business

For additional information, please see the program homepage.