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The Qatar Digital Directory is part of MCIT’s efforts to enhance the private sector’s footprint in the market by ensuring their competitiveness regionally and globally, as well as enabling the public sector and private sector to find the best digital service providers and products.

The Qatar Digital Directory has developed a database of digital companies in the State of Qatar that will help government and businesses select digital companies suited to their needs. It also allows a better understanding of Qatar’s digital landscape.

The Directory has a fast search feature where users can search for companies, services and products. Users can also review a list of all digital companies in addition to the advanced search features

Tornado Computer

networking, storage and software 

Tasmu Digital Valley

004 International

Ecommerce solution provider

Tasmu Digital Valley

1 Stop Solutions WLL

As a web development company,1 stop solutions help VC-backed startups and fast-growing tech companies build a successful, scalable product that user love. Our forte is agile dedicated teams of brilliant minds who rock in the web, Mobile, Big Data, QA & Testing.